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Meet Your Coach

Making a Positive Impact A Person At A Time

Hi, my name is Max Mejia. I'm married to my beautiful wife Rose Mejia and a father to a beautiful 6-year-old princess and 2 year old prince. I was born and raised in Brooklyn NY. I'm half Dominican from my old man's side and half Panamanian from my mother's side. I'm a Professional Fitness Coach certificated by NASM. I obtained my Performance Enhancement Specialist with NASM, I'm a Yale certificated Wellness Coach, certificated Stanford Basic Nutrition and Health Coach, certificated from the University of Colorado for the Science of Exercise and I also am a certified Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach. 

Saying fitness is my passion would be an understatement. Fitness has been in my life since I was a very slim kid during my childhood. Fitness had a tremendous impact in my life and still continues to have a huge impact on my life. Being active and the engagement in fitness has helped me to expand my mental capacity and have a positive navigation to deal with tough situations.

I've played competitive and organized basketball from ages 16-23. I played for my alumni High school, College, and community-organized basketball teams. I eventually became an assistant coach for one of the organized basketball teams in Brooklyn, NY. Throughout that process, it helped me realize how much I love to help people become better as individuals, especially being that person who impacts the future of the youth in a positive way.

On 2015, I officially became a Professional Fitness Coach. That is when I realized this is my purpose, my calling. My purpose is to help people discover their strengths in every aspect in life no matter how small a workout is or how big a session can become. By simply being active, you are able to do so much without limitations and being happy along the way.




Playing and Watching Sports, I like being able to enjoy nature

such as: running outside, hanging out with close ones in back yard or park. 



My Services: 

I pride myself in the services I provide. One of the biggest things that I see in the Fitness Industry is that there isn't much structure. By not having structure, Fitness is looked at as least important in life.

The structure I provide starts from the fundamentals, building a strong foundation then progress efficiently. My training consists of Stabilization, Flexibly, Power and Strength exercises with phases 1-5. 

Phase 1 consist of Stabilization which is building/strengthen your foundations. Phase 2-4 consist of Strengthening your foundations simultaneously building muscles and losing body fat. Lastly, Phase 5 is optional and depends on your fitness goals. Phase 5 consist of Power movements/exercises.

The reason for this structure is because training is not a today's activity, is a journey that takes longevity. We'll focus on the joints, tendons and ligaments, which are crucial to a long and healthy lifestyle. 

Why are online or in-person professional fitness coaches needed?

My services are strongly focused on building a strong foundation. If you're not able to reach down on a single leg without losing balance chances are you may need a coach more than you think. Keeping balance during an exercise helps develop a connection with the mind. 

With the body connecting with the mind you're able to adapt to exercises much smoothly and fluent with the prevention of an injury to occur. 




  1. Help learn the right way to perform a new exercise

  2. Understand and know when and how to progress your training

  3. Online services I'm able to develop a program electronically

  4. You're able to access your workout on your mobile devices at any time and in any location

  5. Provide ongoing support towards your fitness goals

  6. Accountability, Motivation and a Personalized Plans


Head over to Book Online to get started.

Meet Your Coach: About Me
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